To deliver the best possible service to our customers, we operate an attractive crude and product tanker fleet. Our vessels vary in size from 10.000 to 175.000 dwt. divided into nine pools: Suezmax, Aframax, LR2, Panamax, LR1, MR, Handy and Small & large Intermediates. This ensures that different customer needs are met. We trade globally and work with different products: clean, dirty, chemicals and veg oil. Do you want to know more?

Vessel nameSegmentFlagBuiltDWTCapacityCoatingInertingIMOICE
Sloman HeraIntermediateAntigua and Barbuda201216,42618,705EpoxyIG Generator2
Sloman HeraklesIntermediateAntigua and Barbuda201216,41718,715EpoxyIG Generator2
Sloman HermesIntermediateAntigua and Barbuda201216,41818,729EpoxyIG Generator2
Sloman HestiaIntermediateAntigua and Barbuda201716,47318,799EpoxyIG Generator2
Sloman ThemisHandyAntigua and Barbuda200634,61136,736EpoxyIG Generator
Sloman ThetisHandyAntigua and Barbuda200634,66238,052EpoxyIG Generator
St. ClemensMRPanama201749,99852,019EpoxyIG Generator2
St.NikolaiMRSingapore201850,12951,987EpoxyIG Generator2
St.PetriMRSingapore201844,99851,987EpoxyIG Generator3
Theo TPanamaxBahamas200373,02175,742UncoatedFlue Gas
TP SpiritAframaxSingapore2016114,139125,239UncoatedFlue Gas
TrinitySuezmaxMarshall Islands2016158,734166,673UncoatedFlue Gas